First, an update. My in-laws are home in Maine after spending 9 hours in the Marrakech airport Thursday, enduring a very bumpy flight to London, driving between Stansted and Heathrow airports, staying overnight in a Heathrow-area hotel, and arriving in NYC yesterday (Friday) afternoon. When they arrived they found that their flight to Portland had been canceled. So they found a flight out of LaGuardia, took a bus from JFK to LaGuardia, and arrived in Portland late last night. We are so thankful they were able to get out of Morocco. The US belatedly started getting US Citizens out yesterday, but I know there are some who couldn't make it out on those chartered flights.
Now, as we're getting used to this way of being, new ways of being distantly social, instead of social distancing, have emerged. I'm grateful for the technology that's making it possible to see folks from afar. Zoom is the indispensable tool of the Corona era.
Right now, Benjy is now participating in a song session with his summer camp, Camp Tel Noar, via Zoom. They're singing Circle Game. I guess Joni Mitchell is timeless. I'm really glad that people are figuring out how to come together with technology amid the distancing.
We also participated in Shabbat services via zoom last night and this morning. It's a great way to maintain community. And one of Benjy's friends, Simon, put together a virtual book group to talk about Harry Potter and Wings of Fire. Benjy has some catching up to do with reading Wings of Fire, but he's been reading a ton, so I have faith he'll be able to catch up in time.
And many of us joined the Indigo Girls concert the other night on Facebook. I only caught the last half, but it was an amazing break to stop, breathe, and listen to amazing live music. I saw so many of my friends on the list of was kind of like we were in the room together. So many people watched this concert that they broke Facebook. Who knew this was possible? This concert, like the singalong, the shabbat services, the book club, and the virtual tea party I had with friends, are the things that feed my soul in this scary time.
Of course, all of this online activity isn't a substitute for in person interaction. I was really moved by a friend who noted on FB that single people won't have any kind of human touch for months, while people with partners or families can still snuggle with each other. I wish them some snuggle time in the near future. Josh, Benjy, and Ruby are the three beings I'm most grateful for in this frightful COVID world. And I will snuggle with them as much as I am able to.
Enjoy your Saturday, my friends. Remember to wash your hands, hug your loves, walk your dogs, and keep in touch with each other. Via Zoom.
Love to everyone.